Unlocking The Potential in Your Business
Obligation Free Discussion
To understand how you create wealth from a well built Strategic Business Plan, contact us today for an obligation-free discussion.
The fastest….and smartest way to build a business, is starting with a well considered strategic business plan. It maximises your resources and minimises your errors.
Strategic Business Planning is appropriate for all businesses, whether they are; start-ups, established businesses, small, medium or large. Every business will benefit, but naturally – the type of plan or planning process needs to align to the size and complexity of the business.
We have creating Strategic Business Plans for more than a decade and can help you:
We specialise in helping business owners who want a premium and professional Strategic Business Plan – customised for their business, but delivered in a format which enables them drive their business forward.
Working with us will help you create a more valuable plan which you can directly integrate into your business.
Our approach…….
To start with, you need to consider the most appropriate planning process and format for your needs, as one rule does not fit all businesses.
We consider how the plan will be used and for what audience – as this will influence the planning format used.
With all of our Strategic Business Plans, they are built for the specific business, customised to their strengths, weaknesses and objectives.
Creating your Business Plan
For our Strategic Business Planning service, we build these with you over consecutive weeks in a set program structure of 6, 8 or 12 weeks. This means that the draw on your time is minimised, whilst at the same time allowing the creation of a more considered plan.
The time between sessions provides valuable thinking time, as well as confirmation of what has been agreed from one meeting to the next.
As part of our planning process, we guide you towards what we believe is the most appropriate planning format for your needs. We consider several factors in this and have 3 core formats that we use.
Creating a Strategic Business Plan is a step in a business improvement progress, as it identifies what needs to be done to progress the business forward. As part of our process, we specifically identify all of these individual action points to make bringing the plan to life that much easier.
Our Strategic Business Plan service can be provided in the follow ways;
We also have a micro business option available for those on strict budgets.